Well, I have learned to use my Cricut a little better than when it first came out of the box!
I have discovered that it will do far more than I realized it would! This is always a good thing! More for your money and use more brain power! Hmm...not really sure if that is such a good thing after all, my brain hurts as it is! Have to think on that one!
Anyway, it makes me really excited to know that I will have this tool for teaching future classes and for generally making my job eaiser as a graphic artist on a broad scope for our local library system.
All I have to do now is figure out how to work more hours into the day without going over the time they will let me work. See there more brain power right there. Ahhh...I am doomed from the beginning!
More later and hopefully I can get you some pics of the projects I am working on with my new toy. My Cricut!!!!